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Goodreads Monday 7/22/24




Goodreads Monday was hosted by Lauren’s Page Turners.   It’s now hosted by Budget Tales Book Blog.  All you have to do is show off a book from your TBR that you’re looking forward to reading.

It’s getting hard to remember which ones I’ve done already, so I’m sorry if you see a book pop up on these more than once.  It will happen.  Probably a lot.




When We Were Them by Laura Taylor Namey


When they were fifteen, Willa, Luz, and Britton had a friendship that was everything.

When they were sixteen, they stood by one another no matter what.
When they were seventeen, they went through the worst.
And when they were eighteen, Willa ruined it all.

Now, the week of graduation, Willa is left with only a memory box filled with symbols of the friendship she has nearly destroyed: A book of pranks. Corsages from a nightmarish homecoming. A greasy pizza menu. Greeting cards with words that mean the world… It’s enough to make Willa wonder how anything could tear her, Luz, and Britton apart. But as Willa revisits the moments when she and her friends leaned on one another, she can’t avoid the moments they leaned so hard, their friendship began to crack.

As Willa tries to find a way back to Luz and Britton, she must confront the why of her betrayal and answer a question she never saw coming: Who is she, without them?


Have you read this?  Is it on your TBR?





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