Florida RA Training Uses 'MAGA' Flag, Membership With YAF As Example of 'Unsafe' Dorm Roomie Situation

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We’re in the middle of the season when college students are streaming back to campus for the fall semester, but something disturbing might be about to greet them when they return. 

Young America’s Foundation on its website on Friday shared this blatant attempt at progressive indoctrination, during training for resident assistants (RAs) at the University of Tampa–on red flags of an “unsafe” dorm roomie situation:

At the University of Tampa, students serving as RAs this year were treated to a wildly biased “training” this week that included an outlandish scenario asking “what would you do?” if a resident felt “unsafe” because their roommate was a conservative.

According to photographs obtained by YAF on Friday, a slide shown to RA trainees presented the following scenario:

“You just returned from class and one of your residents asks to speak with you. He states that he feels unsafe in his room and needs an immediate room change. He goes on to state that he feels unsafe and threatened because his roommate put up a ‘Make America Great Again’ flag in the room and that he is a member of YAF.”

You can see the image of the slide in the piece on YAF’s homepage (linked above).

In a statement, University of Tampa YAF Chair Nicole Gillis called out the university’s administration for allowing this bias against conservative students attending there:

“This is the unfortunate state of higher education in America right now. Universities are indoctrinating students by painting conservatives as evil. This seemingly small example in an RA training at UT implies they think that conservatives are dangerous and that students should be afraid of people with conservative ideas.”

And in a bit of pointed satire in response to the story, YAF Chief Communications Officer Spencer Brown quipped about the “diversity” training promoted at many institutions of higher learning, including the University of Tampa:

 “A school such as the University of Tampa — or any with wildly biased trainings like this — has no business calling itself an institution of ‘higher’ learning. Clearly, University of Tampa administrators and student employees need some mandatory tolerance training.”

Indeed. I’m curious whether there is a similar item in that RA training syllabus about handling a fear, by a Jewish student with a roommate who marches in anti-Israel protests, and chants “From the river to the sea” or similar antisemitic blather. I won’t bother getting out my magnifying glass to hunt it down, though.

Related: Columbia University President Resigns Amid Constant Antisemitic Campus Controversies

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